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Photo Restoration Pricing 

Photo restoration pricing is based on many factors, which can be confusing to those not familiar with modern photo restoration processes.  To help you understand what your restoration might cost, we have provided a few restoration examples below.  Compare your photo to those in the examples to get an idea of what your restoration might cost.

Pricing Examples.  

Basic Photo Restorations

By far, the majority of our restorations are not so severe.  Compare your image to the ones below to see if your's qualifies for a less aggressive restoration project.  

Black & White Restoration

black and white photo restoration before

Mild damage pricing begins at $75 and goes up from there.  

Color Enhancement

unrestored photo of woman on beach
restored photo of woman on beach

For simply color enhancement $75.  Here again it depends on the clarity and condition of the image.  

Small  Blurry Photographs

photo restoration pricing before image4
photo restoration pricing page after image

Total Restoration Cost - $350

Here are the factors that contributed to the restoration final cost. 

  1. First, the number of subjects in the image. To restore an image such as this, it is necessary to restore each individual subject. 
  2. Second, Each subject's face is blurry, almost too blurry to make out their features. In fact, you'll notice that in one or two of the subjects, we simply could not restore a likeness. This type of restoration is extremely labor intensive and thus increases the cost.
  3. Finally, the image size. This image was only 3 inches by 4 inches. To enlarge it took a lot of correction. Enlarging images is always more difficult because of the amount of pixelation added by the digital process.

Severely Damaged Photographs

picture repair and colorization before image
picture repair and colorization after image

Total Restoration Cost - $350.00

Here are the factors that contributed to the restoration final cost. 

  1. The actual image clarity was very good. It was sharp and easy to discern the actual features of the subject
  2. Second, The actual image was large, 11 by 14 inches. This made the need to enlarge a non-issue.
  3. Finally,most of the labor was spent on repairing the missing areas of the photo and sharpening the image.

Extremely Small/Large Images

While we can handle any size image you care to send to us, there are unique challenges posed by very small images, such as slide film and small thumbnail pictures.  Likewise, extremely large images pose their own unique challenges.  Here are two examples of each scenario.  

Small Slides or images

Slide Negative
restored slide image color

Total Restoration Cost - $175.00

Over Sized Images

Large image restoration black white
large restoration color

Total Restoration Cost - $700

Under & Over Exposed Images

Another big challenge to the restoration process is under or over exposure of an image.  Both examples are pictured below.  

under exposed photo restoration project before
under exposed photo restoration project  after

Total Restoration Cost - $175.00

under exposed photo restoration before
under exposed restoration 2

Total Restoration Cost - $140.00

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