(801) 337-5031


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Preserve Your Photo Memories For Generations To Come

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Photo Restoration Image Submission Guidelines

In order to restore your images, slide film, or negatives, we first need to receive them. 

Below we will outline the various methods by which you can submit your media to be restored.  Please feel free to contact us directly for clarification on any of the procedures described below.  Our contact number is (801) 337-5031.  You can also send us an email to: 


Submit Media By Mail

Sending us your media images couldn't be easier.  We'll even send you the special envelope, pre-addressed, so you can simply slip your images into the secure pouch, seal it, and take it to the post office.  We'll pay for the return shipping of your finished restoration, don't worry about that.  Here are the simple steps to follow:

Step 1 

Provide your mailing information
photo restoration mail in form step 1 image

The first step is to provide your mailing information.  We need your address, state , city and zip code, as well as any apartment number or other identifying numbers.  You can also use a P.O. Box, if you are confident you will receive our package safely.

just click on the button below to bring up the short information form.  

Step 2 

Prepare the Mailing packet
photo restoration envelope

When you receive your return mailing packet, simply put the images to be restored in the safe and secure, rigid mailing envelope.  They will be secure and the envelope will ensure that they do not get bent, mutilated or damaged in any way.  If, for any reason, you images do not fit, please contact us as soon as possible.  We'll either send you another mailing packet, or find a larger envelope for you to send your images back in.  Easy as that.  

Step 3

Send It Off Via Post
photo restoration send off step

The final step is the easiest.  Simply afix the correct postage and drop the packet in the mail. Send us an email when you drop it in the mail so that we can be on the look out for it, and that's it!  

Email Your Images To Us

A Second option is to simply email your images to us.  If you choose to send us emailed images, please be aware of the following potential problems.  

Don't Insert Image Into The Body Of Your Email Message

When images are inserted into the email body, the email service compresses the image to save space.  This results in a low DPI (dot per inch) resolution that will be to low to allow for photo restoration.  

Beware Of Email Attachment Size

Most email services will limit the size of your email attachments.  Try to use a space compression format such as .jpg or .zip for your attachments.  

Check the DPI (Dots Per Inch) resolution of your image

Most internet images are at 72 DPI, which is far too low to attempt a photo resolution.  Your attached image must be a minimum of 300 DPI for us to work with it.  If you are unsure of how to do that, call us.  We'll help you get the right image resolution.

If you pay attention to the above points, emailing your images to us should not be a problem.  If you choose to email us your images please include "Photo Restoration Images" in the subject line of your email message to ensure your message does not get deleted by mistake.  The email address to send your images to is: 


Use Dropbox, or a similar desktop application

dropbox icon

By using an application like Dropbox You are able to submit very large images by simply depositing them into your dropbox folder.  


dropbox screenshot image

To download a copy of Dropbox to your computer, Click Here.

Start Your Photo Legacy Now

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